
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grey2K USA, Board of Directors, #2

Grey2K USA Board of Directors' ineptitude in acting as a responsible Board for a tax-exempt organization.
Continuing on the quest to improve Grey2K's Board of Directors, the 2nd of the basic responsibilities to address is....
2. Select the chief executive. Boards must reach consensus on the chief executive's responsibilities and undertake a careful search to find the most qualified individual for the position.
Grey2K USA came into existence 11 years ago in 2001. It was founded by the husband & wife team of  Carey Theil & Christine Dorchak.  The founders have been the Executive Director and President ever since!  There has been no change in leadership and, as far as we can tell, there has never been any discussion amongst the Grey2K Boards of Directors to change said leadership.

Now, that act in & of itself may not be bad...  However....  in this particular case it is disastrous for Grey2K, if it is to have any success of meeting it's goal as previously defined.  You see, the leadership of Grey2K, while drawing a handsome salary, has failed to accomplish any goal at any track in any state.  With the exception of Idaho, which banned greyhound racing in 1996, 5 years prior to the formation of the lobbying group, Grey2K USA.

Grey2K and many of it's animal rights associates CLAIM that racing is banned in 10 states: MA, ME, ID, PA, NC, NV, VT, NH, VA and WA.  Well, that's not so...  Greyhound racing is still LEGAL in 49 of the 50 states.  The ONLY state to have banned greyhound racing is the previously mentioned state of Idaho back in 1996. Massachusetts & New Hampshire have banned wagering on the dogs, not the actual racing.


In addition, the "leadership" lies to their constituents, as well as politicians, voters, the media, etc. Here is a current example from the Grey2K USA FaceBook page...
"GREY2K USA: Please send an e-mail to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer asking for the removal of Rory Goree from his new position as the greyhound welfare representative on the Arizona Racing Commission. The dogs need an even-handed, neutral regulator, not a biased proponent of dog racing."
One would think that the two well paid folks like them, one of whom is supposed to be an attorney,  would first look up the position about which they speak before making bold face lies about the position and the person who fills it. 

Something we have noticed through the years is that Grey2K Board members are replaced when they make faux pas. Earlier this year, prior to their Annual Meeting held on May 24, 2012, Karen Zoldan a member of the BOD, made several highly offensive statements, comparing greyhound racing kennels to Auschwitz and referencing "wet dreams" when speaking about the Skecher's commercial, which was aired during the Super Bowl.  Shortly thereafter, Karen Zoldan was removed from her position on the BOD.  Go figure...  However, for all their faux pas, Dorchak & Theil remain in power.  

We think it's time that the people involved with greyhounds on all sides of the issue step up to the plate and do their job...  clean the bases, dust off home plate and kick the managers & coaches out of the game.  That's right....  get rid of Grey2K in its entirety...  No Earl Weaver like manager in Christine Dorchak...  No 1st base coach in Carey Theil.  And no inept "upper management" in the guise of an "independent Board of Directors".  All of them have failed the team - the Greyhounds!

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