Saturday, March 15, 2014

Follow the Money....

"Follow the money"....  It's a phrase we're hearing more & more in today's society as more & more people are being duped by scams, graft, and fraud. The first time I remember hearing it was in the 1976 movie, All the President's Men, and it was said in a conversation between "Deep Throat" and Bob Woodward with regards to the Watergate scandal. It seems that this particular phrase has ALWAYS been associated, since then, with corruption.  It serves as a good reminder that if money is involved, chances are if you "follow the money trail" it will lead you, like the trail of bread crumbs in Hansel & Gretel,  to the root source, the motivation behind an action, and a look at who stood to profit.

For those who are thinking about donating to Grey2K USA and for those who donated already to that lobbying group, there are links in this post that you really should examine. Grey2K touts itself as helping racing greyhounds when, in fact, it appears by these financial reports that they are only helping themselves. 

The first link it to a spread sheet that shows the donation dollars breakdown in a clear & easy format. 

G2K Financial Summary-Detail REV2014.pdf

This chart and the pie chart below show that over an 8 year time period, 2004 - 2012, Grey2K USA took in more than $3.4 MILLION dollars!  That's a lot of money that would have been much better sent to a greyhound adoption group of your choice or some real charity. Remember, Grey2K is not a charity, it is a LOBBYING group.

G2K Financial Pie Chart 2004-2012.pdf

So, how much of that $3.4 MIILLION dollars actually went to helping dogs?  Less than 2%.  Yes, I did not stutter...  ONLY $43,291 (1.3%) went to actually helping retired racing greyhounds.  That is pathetic!  

If you "follow the money", you will see that the greatest bulk of those hard earned dollars, nearly 28%, was spent on the salaries of Christine Dorchak & Carey Theil.  Dorchak & Theil averaged more than $100,000 in salary on a yearly basis, while donations to the dogs averaged $481 during the same time period.  So much for helping the dogs.  Looks to me like they are only helping themselves and that's not including the trips they took to some pretty far corners of the globe: Ireland, England, Macau...  Must be nice. 

The Grey2K scam is on a par with that of the Humane Society of the US (HSUS). High  executive salaries, little in actual help for the animals, and a lot of misleading propaganda.  

Marx and Goebbels would be proud.

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