Monday, June 11, 2012

The Human Touch – Part II

Part 2 of the previously published post - The Human Touch.
By: Rory S. Goree’
Director Welfare and Advocacy
United Greyhound Racing

About the time that news that the Florida decoupling bill failed to pass, a Grey2K board member unleashed comments many found offensive, even racially based. It should be noted that as of today, the executive director and president of this organization have yet to offer any apology, nor clarification regarding the disturbing comments made by one of its board members on its own facebook page. Silence from the leadership of Grey2K can only now months later be regarded as supportive of these statements? As those who seek to eliminate greyhound racing are fond of saying - in silence there is consent.

The board member made a claim that “middle aged white people” do not bet on the dogs. Again, another comment that stuck with me so during my visit to Tucson Greyhound Park, on June 1, 2012, I paid particular attention to the patrons. I felt it was safe to stop counting after 110+ as I was already well above the "only" 20 attendees often claimed in attendance by those who are against racing. I noted a varied cross portion of ethnic backgrounds in attendance and yes, several middle aged white people.

I ask that you not listen only to me, or limit your knowledge to one blog - I ask that you spread your wings and search for the answers. After all to have a true answer the answer to the question must come from within.

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